Thursday, November 27, 2008

bombay bleeds once more...

Another joke. Yes, that's what it has become. The city reels yet again. This time it's gun totting terrorists who walked into restaurants, 5 star hotels and railway stations and started shooting at an innocent public. Some going back home after a hard day's work. Bombs blasted in several areas.
Panic spread all around and people started following up on friends and family to find out if all was well. Television channels flashed live footage of bloodstained streets and injured people all around.
The drama continued. By morning, schools and colleges have been declared closed. Most offices followed suit asking employees to stay home. A client asked me to enjoy a day at home while I am getting it. Is this what it has become...? A free unexpected holiday to chill at home. I refused to sit back... driving through empty roads, defying the terror filled atmosphere.
How long till we get back our freedom... our freedom of life, our freedom to live... our freedom to die, without getting killed... How long till the jokers are brought to heel...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

by the looks of it, very long. very very long.

the freedom we have, is the freedom to splash bloody images on the live TV screen. we've a free media, oh yes -- it's a blessing i've been told -- that can show commando movements and placements, and take pleasure at catching a "real" terrorist on camera.

why do you want those trifle freebies like walking on the road fearless?

the joke is on us


1:49 pm  
Blogger Sutapa Mukherjee said...

I cant tell you how much i agree with you.
And you precisely voice my thoughts when you say why cant we be free? Correction. WE ARE FREE. We are free to shoot people, free to show gory details on the television, to wait for a calamity to happen and then be the first person to extend our condolences. Free indeed!!
But shall we ever be free enough to stop clinging to each others neck with that shotgun?
I really dont know!!

PS - A personal comment. I have been to Mumbai only once. It was in this September to attend the All Asia Brand Summit that was held there. It was held in the Colaba Taj.

3:32 pm  
Blogger vivek said...

Hope all of your friends,collegues are OK!I have been watching CNN all day as today is Thanksgiving holiday here. So sad, disgusting and angry at incompetent Indian government and security agencies.No Thanks to them. How long Mumbaites or Indians have to put up with this "impotent government (India Today )"?

5:08 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My city's resilience and nobility has become its weakness.

12:04 pm  
Blogger anumita said...

asuph: the media as usual has been racing, stumbling and stamping over the wounded, the killed, literally and figuratively...
you are right, hope too is a luxury we shouldnt be indulging in.

sutapa: we are anguished. but what next?

venkat: thanks venkat. we are fine. though someone the family knows is untraceable now about sms-ing from under a bed in a hotel room till the early hours.

gaizabonts: you forgot the bloody politicians trying to rule this country.

3:47 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was holed up in office the entire night! The rage I feel, is also directed towards myself. Perhaps your act of driving on empty roads was an answer to this rage - rebellion.

2:45 pm  

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