22nd Feb 1998
"Are you going to be late getting back from work tomorrow...?"
"Huh... no... I don't know... why? Any plans?"
"Ya, I wanted to take you out for dinner and a late night movie after that."
"Cool! I will come back by 8 or so!"
I was wondering why the plan came about. Maybe it was to offer some respite for my week after week of punishing hours at work. The hours are just getting late-r and late-r. The day before I reached home at 11.30 and I could see he was sulking a bit. I was working on the Saturday too and on a working day, the routine goes... wake up... rush to the gym if I don't have to run to work at 7.30am, get back... shower... rush for work. The evening routine is reversed. Get out of work late... reach home... shower... while he heats the dinner, eat (really late again, very unhealthy I know but I hardly have a choice)... try to read, watch a DVD... but fall asleep promptly much after midnight. The only time I realised I am not running and have some time to get my thoughts together is when I am driving to and from work. But I have been using that time for work related and other calls. So again back to zero. Sorry, I digressed.
Later I am asleep when he climbs into bed. Light sleeper that I am, I can make some legible conversation while asleep too.
"You awake?" He asked.
"Do you know it's been 10 years since we first meet... we met on 22nd Feb... and went for that movie... 'My Best Friend’s Wedding..."
"Ya... wow..."
"That's why I want to take you out tomorrow... we'll go have dinner... and then catch a movie... just like that day when we met..."
"You remember so well…?" I am almost wide awake now.
"I remember every thing... I am good with dates." I refrain from reminding him of the times he had forgotten his sister's birthday, his nephew's birthday and some more days. This was a good moment, not to be spoilt with trying to prove him wrong, I tell myself.
"Wow! It's been so long... you are really sweet..."
"And you know what... I am going to wear the same navy blue sweatshirt that I was wearing that day!" He said getting carried away.
"Are we going to Sterling for the movie then?"
"Nono, we'll watch it here and have dinner here..." he mentioned one of his favourite Chinese places.
"Er... are you getting me a gift too?"
"Yes, of course."
And I complain about THIS guy?!! God, punish me!!