Many a times it’s not the person that causes the nostalgia, as much as the experiences and feelings that were associated.
Went on this trip today, down memory lane. Just a few years back but it feels like a lifetime has elapsed.
I was out of college. Fresh and filled with energy… make that… tons of positive energy! My first job. A trainee copywriter. Obnoxiously overworked and grossly underpaid. I had no complaints. I loved every moment of it all.
Worked hard, partied harder. Forever in love with the idea of being in love, the latest crush was… a nice man considered a snob by my friends. Looked gorgeous (so I thought, not necessarily my friends)… spoke well (agreed my friends, grudgingly)… a gentleman.
A phone call, a kind word from him was all it took to make my day. I would grin like an idiot the whole day and work more than my share without even realizing it! I would read meanings in the most innocent conversations we had. It was that heady feeling when nothing else matters and your feet doesn’t touch the ground. Like he had to mention red is his favourite colour and it becomes mine too!! Everything I buy, I wear, I eat, turns red.
Oh… what a magical feeling it was! Living each day… with moods swinging like a pendulum. One moment I would be in the darkest deepest pit and the next moment, ecstatic! Curtsey, my hero, who else! And friends, god bless them, always around to match “so sweet� for every “he’s so caring� and “that’s what he is� for every “he’s a bastard�!!
Every moment of the day took a new meaning for me…
dawn… romantic
sunny afternoon… romantic
rains… romantic
evening… romantic
sunset… romantic
Every place too…
seaside… romantic
theatre… romantic
coffee shop… romantic
old building… romantic
new building… romantic
phew!! I realize now it must have been tough on my friends…
And suddenly, one fine day, I am in the present. A simple woman. Simple life. But with a prized collection of emotions… collected a long time ago… which at select times were matters of life and death!
Nah! Will never trade them. Do they make feelings like them anymore? Do kids start their first jobs (read… freedom… earning own money) with stars in their eyes? And romance in their hearts like me??